Display Panel
GPWF Display Panel
Continuous Presentation
HTML Configuration
Request Live Demo
Informations published in this site are limited to only basic understanding what this product is about. Our products are interconnectable so they can form larger integrated solution. We would be glad if you are interested in details so please feel free to create request for Live presentation where we can present you all the cool features and other benifits.

Presentation Panel
The solution is designed as a smart system of electronic billboards which you can edit yourself and do not need expensive equipment. You can have several billboards in the company and display different content depending on the location and time of the presentation.

At the entrance you can display general daily information for employees who are just coming to work, the state of congestion in production and the state of orders in sales, ...
Central Administration
You can manage presentations in the central administration, their pages, the way and time of presentation. Because the content is defined in HTML format, you can also play audio and video content within the presentation page.

For an administrator with a basic knowledge of website editing there are virtually no restrictions on the display of content. If you do not have this knowledge in the company we can arrange a presentation for you.
Technical Specification
Because system requirements are not high, you can use any PC as a server.

- 2.3 GHz (x64) processor
- 1 GB disk space
- 2Gb working memory

- Windows 7, 8, 10 or Windows Server
- SQL Server (2014-2022)
- Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5

Personal computer, Smart TV or tablet